Renaissance Composers Series

This new book series forms a wide-ranging Introduction to Renaissance Composers, and is aimed at students, singers and amateur performers. The three groups cover music in Britain, music on the continent and historical groupings by genre. Each is a small-format paperback of about 100 pages, priced at £10, and is intended to fill a gap in the market by providing an affordable and up-to-date life-and-works study both of major composers and of figures who would not otherwise ever receive full monograph treatment.

The first volumes issued will include:

The Ferraboscos, by Matthew Gouldstone

Orlando Gibbons, by Matthew Gouldstone and Francis Knights

Johannes Ockeghem, by Edward Wickham

[1] British composers

Browne; Bull; Byrd; Carver; Dowland; Dunstable; Fayrfax; Gibbons; Ludford; Morley; William Mundy; Parsons; Philips; Power; Sheppard; Tallis; Taverner; Tye; Weelkes; and White

[2] Continental composers

Allegri; Anerio; Arcadelt; Binchois; Bourgeois; Brumel; Busnois; Cabezón; Caccini; Cardoso; Cavalli; Clemens; Crequillon; Dufay; Festa; Frescobaldi; Gabrieli; Gesualdo; Gombert; Goudimel; Guerrero; Hassler; Jacquet; Josquin; Kapsberger; Lassus; Le Jeune; Lhéritier; Lobo, Alonso; Marenzio; Merulo; Da Milano; De Monte; Monteverdi; Morales; Obrecht; Palestrina; Phinot; Praetorius; Richafort; De Rore; Senfl; Striggio; Sweelinck; Vaet; Verdelot; Victoria; and Willaert

[3] Themed volumes

The English virginalists; Elizabethan Lute Music; The vihuelists; Italian madrigalists;  Eton Choirbook composers; and The Renaissance Mass


Scholars with specialist knowledge or interests, and experienced musicological writers, are invited to propose a volume from the list above, or suggest further composers; joint authorship is welcomed. Please contact Francis Knights for further details regarding format, deadlines and contracts.